The Book
Art Forms from the Abyss:
Images from the Challenger Expedition
Coming Soon
Date of Publication: USA 01 October 2015; UK 01 September 2015
Full book details available from Prestel
Or order your copy from Amazon
While collecting the images, we discussed how attention could be drawn to this resource and decided that this would be best achieved by producing a book with a selection of the artwork. As the publisher – Prestel – had already produced two successful facsimiles of Haeckel’s images, they were the obvious choice – they welcomed the idea as an extension of a successful series. We chose to base the book – which became Art Forms from the Abyss: Images from the Challenger Expedition – on the format they used for Art Forms in the Oceans as it was a style we were comfortable with. A 144 page book was agreed, containing some 50 Plates, plus an accompanying text of some 8,000 words, giving a brief description of plankton and their role in general, a short description of the biology of the three specific groups (the Medusa, Siphonophores and the Radiolarians), the background to Challenger Expedition and to Haeckel’s Science and Art. Each image is accompanied by a facing caption page, containing minimal information: species name and an indication from where they were collected (broad geographical area and depth) and the organism’s size.